What is a parenting plan?

Originally published on 28th September 2018 at 10:20 AM
Reading time: 2 mins
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If you’re divorcing and you have children, prioritising their needs during your separation will help them thrive in the future. A good way to minimise the impact on your kids is to create a parenting plan.

A parenting plan helps you consider two critical things when separate:

  1. Your relationship as parents to your children is not ending – how will you create an effective co-parenting relationship?
  2. What do your children need from you individually and collectively to thrive and be happy in the future?

What is a parenting plan?

A parenting plan is a written agreement made by parents, in the process of separating or divorcing. It covers how to co-parent children during and after your breakup. The first thing many parents face when divorcing with kids is how to tell them. A parenting plan can help you decide what to say and when, clearly recording the decisions you’ve made about how and where the children will live is important.

Your parenting plan can be revised and updated as your children grow or as your family circumstances change. If you’re interested in learning more about co-parenting at different ages and how to incorporate this into a parenting plan; listen to this episode of The Divorce Podcast where Kate Daly, Co-Founder of amicable is joined by clinical therapist and manager, Julie Cooper, to discuss the reality of co-parenting across the varying stages of childhood:

Another important thing to sort out is how you will organise holidays and special occasion once you live in separate houses. Where will the children spend Christmas this year, or who how will you handle their birthdays?

Additionally, when you’re divorcing with kids, communicating arrangements is vital. How will you do this? How will you create an amicable co-parenting relationship?

Our video explains how creating a parenting plan helps when you’re divorcing with kids.

Our video explains how creating a plan keep the focus on the kids.

A parenting plan helps you collect, share and communicate about all of the issues involved when you’re divorcing with kids, additionally it lays the foundations for an amicable co-parenting relationship.

Our app can help if you’re divorcing with kids

Our amicable app contains easy to use templates to help you create your own parenting plan. Collect, share and communicate essential divorce information with your ex about parenting decisions. Start in the Parenting Plan section of the amicable app.


What should be in a parenting plan?

A parenting plan is a roadmap for co-parenting after separation or divorce. It can reduce conflict and create a stable environment for your child(ren). It can include living arrangements, how you will communicate, special occasions, expenses among other things.

Who prepares a parenting plan?

You can create a parenting plan between the both of you or you can choose a service like amicable to assist you with your child arrangements and negotiations. You can book a free 15-minute consultation to speak with one of our Co-parenting Experts here.

Do I have to do a parenting plan?

You don't 'need' a parenting plan. However, it can help structure and organise your co-parenting arrangements so that everyone is aware of factors such as communication, living arrangements, expenses etc.

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