{ "start": { "type": "question", "image": "map", "question": "Do you or your ex-partner live in England or Wales?", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "general_question_2" }, { "label": "No", "next": "out_of_region" } ] }, "out_of_region": { "type": "other_region", "title": "Currently, we can only support those living in England or Wales.", "content": "Sign up for our waiting list, and we'll let you know when amicable is available in your country. Our co-parenting app can be downloaded in any country.", "buttons": [] }, "live_chat": { "type": "live_chat", "title": "Live Chat", "content": "", "buttons": [] }, "general_question_2": { "type": "question", "image": "hi5", "question": "What is your marital status?", "more_info": "D", "options": [ { "label": "We're married or in a civil partnership", "next": "general_question_3" }, { "label": "Divorced or have dissolved a civil partnership", "next": "general_question_27" }, { "label": "We're cohabiting", "next": "general_question_28" } ] }, "general_question_3": { "type": "question", "image": "map", "question": "Have you already started your divorce?", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "general_question_26" }, { "label": "No", "next": "general_question_4" } ] }, "general_question_4": { "type": "question", "image": "calculator-empty", "question": "Do you need to split your money and property?", "more_info": "A", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "general_question_25" }, { "label": "No", "next": "general_question_5" } ] }, "general_question_5": { "type": "question", "image": "calculator-empty", "question": "Have you answered 'no' to splitting your finances because...", "options": [ { "label": "We have no money or property", "next": "general_question_8" }, { "label": "We informally divided our money and property, but would like to formalise it", "next": "general_question_13" } ] }, "general_question_6": { "type": "question", "image": "calculator-empty", "question": "Have you answered 'no' to splitting your finances because...", "options": [ { "label": "We have no money or property, or do not wish to formalise our split", "next": "general_question_9" }, { "label": "We informally divided our money and property, but would like to formalise it", "next": "general_question_11" } ] }, "general_question_7": { "type": "question", "image": "calculator-empty", "question": "Have you answered 'no' to splitting your finances because...", "options": [ { "label": "We have no money or property, or don't want a formal agreement", "next": "general_question_10" }, { "label": "We informally divided our money and property, but would like to formalise it", "next": "general_question_15" }, { "label": "We have a consent order", "next": "general_question_37" } ] }, "general_question_8": { "type": "question", "image": "calculator-empty", "question": "Getting divorced will not stop you making future financial claims against each other unless you get a separate legal agreement as well. Without this, your ex could still make a claim years down the line on your future property, savings, pensions, inherited money - even a lottery win.", "options": [ { "label": "I'm fine with that", "next": "general_question_42" }, { "label": "I want to stop future financial claims", "next": "general_question_43" } ] }, "general_question_9": { "type": "question", "image": "calculator-empty", "question": "Getting divorced will not stop you making future financial claims against each other unless you get a separate legal agreement as well. Without this, your ex could still make a claim years down the line on your future property, savings, pensions, inherited money - even a lottery win.", "options": [ { "label": "I'm fine with that", "next": "general_question_37" }, { "label": "I want to stop future financial claims", "next": "general_question_39" } ] }, "general_question_10": { "type": "question", "image": "calculator-empty", "question": "Just getting divorced does NOT end your financial claims against each other. If you buy property in the future, build up a pension or savings, inherit or win the lottery, your ex can make claims against these things.", "options": [ { "label": "I'm fine with that", "next": "general_question_37" }, { "label": "I want to stop future financial claims", "next": "general_question_39" } ] }, "general_question_11": { "type": "question", "image": "phone-call", "question": "Is your agreement a broadly equal split?", "more_info": "E", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "general_question_18" }, { "label": "No", "next": "general_question_38" } ] }, "general_question_12": { "type": "question", "image": "phone-call", "question": "Is your agreement a broadly equal split?", "more_info": "E", "options": [ { "label": "No", "next": "general_question_40" }, { "label": "Yes", "next": "general_question_20" } ] }, "general_question_13": { "type": "question", "image": "phone-call", "question": "Is your agreement a broadly equal split?", "more_info": "E", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "general_question_16" }, { "label": "No", "next": "general_question_44" } ] }, "general_question_14": { "type": "question", "image": "phone-call", "question": "Is your agreement a broadly equal split?", "more_info": "E", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "general_question_18" }, { "label": "No", "next": "general_question_38" } ] }, "general_question_15": { "type": "question", "image": "phone-call", "question": "Is your agreement a broadly equal split?", "more_info": "E", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "general_question_18" }, { "label": "No", "next": "general_question_38" } ] }, "general_question_16": { "type": "question", "image": "key", "question": "Do you have a pension to share?", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "general_question_44" }, { "label": "No", "next": "general_question_19" } ] }, "general_question_17": { "type": "question", "image": "key", "question": "Do you have a pension to share?", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "general_question_40" }, { "label": "No", "next": "general_question_20" } ] }, "general_question_18": { "type": "question", "image": "key", "question": "Do you have a pension to share?", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "general_question_38" }, { "label": "No", "next": "general_question_21" } ] }, "general_question_19": { "type": "question", "image": "calculator-filled", "question": "Do you have any of the following: more than two properties, a business, assets abroad or total assets over £2M?", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "general_question_44" }, { "label": "No", "next": "general_question_22" } ] }, "general_question_20": { "type": "question", "image": "calculator-filled", "question": "Do you have any of the following: more than two properties, a business, assets abroad or total assets over £2M?", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "general_question_40" }, { "label": "No", "next": "general_question_23" } ] }, "general_question_21": { "type": "question", "image": "calculator-filled", "question": "Do you have any of the following: more than two properties, a business, assets abroad or total assets over £2M?", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "general_question_38" }, { "label": "No", "next": "general_question_24" } ] }, "general_question_22": { "type": "question", "image": "phone-call", "question": "Are you happy with an automated service or would you like a dedicated specialist?", "more_info": "F", "options": [ { "label": "I would like my own Divorce Specialist", "next": "general_question_44" }, { "label": "Automated", "next": "general_question_43" } ] }, "general_question_23": { "type": "question", "image": "phone-call", "question": "Are you happy with an automated service or would you like a dedicated specialist?", "more_info": "F", "options": [ { "label": "I would like my own Divorce Specialist", "next": "general_question_40" }, { "label": "Automated", "next": "general_question_41" } ] }, "general_question_24": { "type": "question", "image": "phone-call", "question": "Are you happy with an automated service or would you like a dedicated specialist?", "more_info": "F", "options": [ { "label": "I would like my own Divorce Specialist", "next": "general_question_38" }, { "label": "Automated", "next": "general_question_39" } ] }, "general_question_25": { "type": "question", "image": "watch", "question": "Are you in agreement about your financial arrangements?", "more_info": "C", "options": [ { "label": "We need help agreeing", "next": "general_question_32" }, { "label": "We've agreed, but we'd like to discuss our arrangements", "next": "general_question_44" }, { "label": "We're in total agreement", "next": "general_question_13" } ] }, "general_question_26": { "type": "question", "image": "calculator-empty", "question": "Do you need to split your money and property?", "more_info": "A", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "general_question_29" }, { "label": "No", "next": "general_question_7" } ] }, "general_question_27": { "type": "question", "image": "map", "question": "Do you need to split your money and property?", "more_info": "A", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "general_question_31" }, { "label": "No", "next": "general_question_6" } ] }, "general_question_28": { "type": "question", "image": "map", "question": "Do you need to split your money and property?", "more_info": "A+", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "general_question_30" }, { "label": "No", "next": "general_question_37" } ] }, "general_question_29": { "type": "question", "image": "watch", "question": "Are you in agreement about your financial arrangements?", "more_info": "C", "options": [ { "label": "We need help agreeing", "next": "general_question_32" }, { "label": "We've agreed, but we'd like to discuss our arrangements", "next": "general_question_38" }, { "label": "We're in total agreement", "next": "general_question_14" } ] }, "general_question_30": { "type": "question", "image": "watch", "question": "Are you in agreement about your financial arrangements?", "more_info": "C", "options": [ { "label": "We need help agreeing", "next": "general_question_33" }, { "label": "We've agreed, but we'd like to discuss our arrangements", "next": "general_question_40" }, { "label": "We're in total agreement", "next": "general_question_20" } ] }, "general_question_31": { "type": "question", "image": "watch", "question": "Are you in agreement about your financial arrangements?", "more_info": "C", "options": [ { "label": "We need help agreeing", "next": "general_question_32" }, { "label": "We've agreed, but we'd like to discuss our arrangements", "next": "general_question_38" }, { "label": "We're in total agreement", "next": "general_question_14" } ] }, "general_question_32": { "type": "question", "image": "calculator-filled", "question": "Do you have any of the following: more than two properties, a business, assets abroad or total assets over £2M?", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "general_question_34" }, { "label": "No", "next": "general_question_46" } ] }, "general_question_33": { "type": "question", "image": "calculator-filled", "question": "Do you have any of the following: more than two properties, a business, assets abroad or total assets over £2M?", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "general_question_35" }, { "label": "No", "next": "general_question_47" } ] }, "general_question_34": { "type": "question", "image": "kid", "question": "Do you have any dependent children?", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "negotiation_plus_service_addons" }, { "label": "No", "next": "negotiation_plus_service" } ] }, "general_question_35": { "_comment": "new", "type": "question", "image": "kid", "question": "Do you have any dependent children?", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "negotiation_plus_with_separation_agreement_service_addons" }, { "label": "No", "next": "negotiation_plus_with_separation_agreement_service" } ] }, "general_question_36": { "type": "question", "image": "kid", "question": "Do you have any dependent children?", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "negotiation_service_addons" }, { "label": "No", "next": "negotiation_service" } ] }, "general_question_37": { "type": "question", "image": "kid", "question": "Do you have any dependent children?", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "separating_with_children_service" }, { "label": "No", "next": "live_chat" } ] }, "general_question_38": { "type": "question", "image": "kid", "question": "Do you have any dependent children?", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "assisted_consent_order_service_addons" }, { "label": "No", "next": "assisted_consent_order_service" } ] }, "general_question_39": { "type": "question", "image": "kid", "question": "Do you have any dependent children?", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "automated_consent_order_service_addons" }, { "label": "No", "next": "automated_consent_order_service" } ] }, "general_question_40": { "type": "question", "image": "kid", "question": "Do you have any dependent children?", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "assisted_separation_agreement_service_addons" }, { "label": "No", "next": "assisted_separation_agreement_service" } ] }, "general_question_41": { "type": "question", "image": "kid", "question": "Do you have any dependent children?", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "automated_separation_agreement_service_addons" }, { "label": "No", "next": "automated_separation_agreement_service" } ] }, "general_question_42": { "type": "question", "image": "kid", "question": "Do you have any dependent children?", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "simple_divorce_service_addons" }, { "label": "No", "next": "simple_divorce_service" } ] }, "general_question_43": { "type": "question", "image": "kid", "question": "Do you have any dependent children?", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "automated_divorce_and_consent_order_service_addons" }, { "label": "No", "next": "automated_divorce_and_consent_order_service" } ] }, "general_question_44": { "type": "question", "image": "kid", "question": "Do you have any dependent children?", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "assisted_divorce_and_consent_order_service_addons" }, { "label": "No", "next": "assisted_divorce_and_consent_order_service" } ] }, "general_question_45": { "type": "question", "image": "kid", "question": "Do you have any dependent children?", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "negotiation_with_separation_agreement_service_addons" }, { "label": "No", "next": "negotiation_with_separation_agreement_service" } ] }, "general_question_46": { "type": "question", "image": "map", "question": "Are either of you struggling to cope emotionally?", "more_info": "B", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "general_question_34" }, { "label": "No", "next": "general_question_36" } ] }, "general_question_47": { "type": "question", "image": "map", "question": "Are either of you struggling to cope emotionally?", "more_info": "B", "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "next": "general_question_35" }, { "label": "No", "next": "general_question_45" } ] }, "separating_with_children_service": { "type": "page", "title": "Separating with Children Service", "price": "£310", "priceMonths": "£100/mo", "priceSplit": "£150", "content": "If you and your ex-partner have separated, you don’t need to go through the court to make arrangements for your children. Whether you're newly separated or have been apart for a while, our Separating with Children Service supports your parenting journey. Our service is a flexible alternative to mediation and using solicitors to help you reach agreements outside of the court.", "included": [ "Your Co-parenting Specialist - your own Specialist to answer all your questions and lead your session", "Joint session - a 90-minute session with your ex-partner", "Future planning - develop a parenting plan to summarise your agreement and support effective decision-making in the future" ], "readmore": "/separating-with-children-service", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable-co-parenting/separating-with-children-consultation", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "separating_with_children_service" }, "buttons": [] }, "simple_divorce_service": { "type": "page", "title": "Simple Divorce Service", "price": "£300", "priceMonths": "£100/mo", "priceSplit": "£150", "content": "If you’ve separated from your partner, you’ll need to go through the legal steps to get divorced. Our Simple Divorce Service is for couples who have no financial arrangements to make or want to get started with their divorce and leave financial discussions until later.", "included": [ "Dashboard - access to our user-friendly online portal for status updates", "The ‘legal bit’ - we complete the legal forms necessary for your divorce", "Court process - we manage the court process on your behalf", "Flexible payments - a fixed price, with the option to spread the cost over three months" ], "readmore": "/simple-divorce-service", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "simple_divorce_service" }, "buttons": [ { "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_DKMtHNXYRy7jGx" } ] }, "simple_divorce_service_addons": { "type": "page", "title": "Simple Divorce Service", "price": "£300", "priceMonths": "£100/mo", "priceSplit": "£150", "content": "If you’ve separated from your partner, you’ll need to go through the legal steps to get divorced. Our Simple Divorce Service is for couples who have no financial arrangements to make or want to get started with their divorce and leave financial discussions until later.", "included": [ "Dashboard - access to our user-friendly online portal for status updates", "The ‘legal bit’ - we complete the legal forms necessary for your divorce", "Court process - we manage the court process on your behalf", "Flexible payments - a fixed price, with the option to spread the cost over three months" ], "readmore": "/simple-divorce-service", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "simple_divorce_service_addons" }, "addonBanner": true, "buttons": [ { "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_DKMtHNXYRy7jGx&addons=true" } ] }, "automated_divorce_and_consent_order_service": { "type": "page", "title": "Automated Divorce and Consent Order Service", "price": "£1200", "priceMonths": "£200/mo", "priceSplit": "£600", "content": "amicable is unique because we keep costs down by working with you and your ex-partner together, for a fixed and transparent fee. Our Automated Divorce and Consent Order Service is for couples who are in total agreement about how to separate their finances, and have simple or no assets. You’re both happy to go through this process without expert guidance and advice from a Divorce Specialist.", "included": [ "Dashboard - access to our user-friendly online portal for status updates and where you submit your financial information (financial disclosure)", "Technical support - our friendly customer services team are at hand to help you navigate our online portal smoothly", "The ‘legal bit’ - we prepare your consent order, which outlines your financial agreements", "Court process - we manage the entire process, including all court correspondence", "Flexible payments - a fixed price, with the option to spread the cost over six months" ], "readmore": "/automated-divorce-with-consent-order-service", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "automated_divorce_and_consent_order_service" }, "buttons": [ { "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_DKN0vnD5ZeNP6P" } ] }, "automated_divorce_and_consent_order_service_addons": { "type": "page", "title": "Automated Divorce and Consent Order Service", "price": "£1200", "priceMonths": "£200/mo", "priceSplit": "£600", "content": "amicable is unique because we keep costs down by working with you and your ex-partner together, for a fixed and transparent fee. 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You’re both happy to go through this process without expert guidance and advice from a Divorce Specialist.", "included": [ "Dashboard - access to our user-friendly online portal for status updates and where you submit your financial information (financial disclosure)", "Technical support - our friendly customer services team are at hand to help you navigate our online portal smoothly", "The ‘legal bit’ - we prepare your consent order, which outlines your financial agreements", "Court process - we manage the entire process, including all court correspondence", "Flexible payments - a fixed price, with the option to spread the cost over six months" ], "readmore": "/automated-divorce-with-consent-order-service", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "automated_divorce_and_consent_order_service_addons" }, "addonBanner": true, "buttons": [ { "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_DKN0vnD5ZeNP6P&addons=true" } ] }, "assisted_divorce_and_consent_order_service": { "type": "page", "title": "Assisted Divorce and Consent Order Service", "price": "£1800", "priceMonths": "£300/mo", "priceSplit": "£900", "content": "amicable is unique because we keep costs down by working with you and your ex-partner together, for a fixed and transparent fee. Our Assisted Divorce and Consent Order Service is designed for couples who are in total agreement about how to divide their finances.", "included": [ "Your Divorce Specialist - your own specialist to answer your questions and guide you through the process", "Dashboard - access to our user-friendly online portal for status updates and where you submit your financial information (financial disclosure)", "Expert review - get expert insight from your Divorce Specialist to check whether your agreement is fair and prepare explanations for the court", "The ‘legal bit’ - we prepare your consent order, which outlines your financial agreements", "Court process - we manage the entire process, including all court correspondence", "Flexible payments - a fixed price, with the option to spread the cost over six months" ], "readmore": "/assisted-divorce-and-consent-order-service", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/15-minute-consultation", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "assisted_divorce_and_consent_order_service" }, "buttons": [ { "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_DKNLafCj3Bo8Vj" } ] }, "assisted_divorce_and_consent_order_service_addons": { "type": "page", "title": "Assisted Divorce and Consent Order Service", "price": "£1800", "priceMonths": "£300/mo", "priceSplit": "£900", "content": "amicable is unique because we keep costs down by working with you and your ex-partner together, for a fixed and transparent fee. 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If you haven’t started your divorce already, we'll do this for free", "Flexible payments - a fixed price, with the option to spread the cost over six months" ], "readmore": "/negotiation-service/", "bookCallLabel": "Book a call", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/15-minute-consultation", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "negotiation_service" }, "buttons": [ { "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_OUZkInJE1o4vhU" } ] }, "negotiation_service_addons": { "type": "page", "title": "Negotiation Service", "price": "£3450", "priceMonths": "£1150/mo", "priceSplit": "£1725", "content": "amicable offers a unique way to separate. We're different from solicitors because we stay neutral and work with couples together. We’re more effective and comprehensive than mediation because we also manage the entire legal process.Our Negotiation Service is for couples who need help agreeing and have simple circumstances or assets.", "included": [ "Your Divorce Specialist - your own specialist to guide you through the entire process, lead your sessions and answer all your questions", "Dashboard - access to our user-friendly online portal for status updates and where you submit your financial information (financial disclosure)", "Negotiation sessions - up to four one-hour sessions to reach an agreement on dividing your money and property through our unique GROW model", "The ‘legal bit’ - we prepare your consent order, which outlines your financial agreements", "The court process - we manage the entire process, including all court correspondence. If you haven’t started your divorce already, we'll do this for free", "Flexible payments - a fixed price, with the option to spread the cost over six months" ], "readmore": "/negotiation-service/", "bookCallLabel": "Book a call", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/15-minute-consultation", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "negotiation_service_addons" }, "addonBanner": true, "buttons": [ { "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_OUZkInJE1o4vhU?&addons=true" } ] }, "negotiation_plus_service": { "type": "page", "title": "Negotiation Plus Service", "price": "£5910", "priceMonths": "£1970/mo", "priceSplit": "£2955", "content": "amicable offers a unique way to separate. We're different from solicitors because we stay neutral and work with couples together. We’re more effective and comprehensive than mediation because we also manage the entire legal process. Our Negotiation Plus Service is designed to help couples navigate the legal and financial journey of divorce.", "included": [ "Your Divorce Specialist - your own specialist to guide you through the entire process, lead your sessions and answer all your questions", "Dashboard - access to our user-friendly online portal for status updates and where you submit your financial information (financial disclosure)", "Negotiation sessions - up to six one-hour sessions to reach an agreement on dividing your money and property through our unique GROW model", "The ‘legal bit’ - we prepare your consent order, which outlines your financial agreements", "The court process - we manage the entire process, including all court correspondence. If you haven’t started your divorce already, we'll do this for free", "Flexible payments - a fixed price, with the option to spread the cost over six months" ], "readmore": "/negotiation-plus-service-info/", "bookCallLabel": "Book a call", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/15-minute-consultation", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "negotiation_plus_service" }, "buttons": [ { "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_OUbfLZk2mR7XyO" } ] }, "negotiation_plus_service_addons": { "type": "page", "title": "Negotiation Plus Service", "price": "£5910", "priceMonths": "£1970/mo", "priceSplit": "£2955", "content": "amicable offers a unique way to separate. We're different from solicitors because we stay neutral and work with couples together. We’re more effective and comprehensive than mediation because we also manage the entire legal process. Our Negotiation Plus Service is designed to help couples navigate the legal and financial journey of divorce.", "included": [ "Your Divorce Specialist - your own specialist to guide you through the entire process, lead your sessions and answer all your questions", "Dashboard - access to our user-friendly online portal for status updates and where you submit your financial information (financial disclosure)", "Negotiation sessions - up to six one-hour sessions to reach an agreement on dividing your money and property through our unique GROW model", "The ‘legal bit’ - we prepare your consent order, which outlines your financial agreements", "The court process - we manage the entire process, including all court correspondence. If you haven’t started your divorce already, we'll do this for free", "Flexible payments - a fixed price, with the option to spread the cost over six months" ], "readmore": "/negotiation-plus-service-info/", "bookCallLabel": "Book a call", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/15-minute-consultation", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "negotiation_plus_service_addons" }, "addonBanner": true, "buttons": [ { "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_OUbfLZk2mR7XyO&addons=true" } ] }, "automated_consent_order_service": { "type": "page", "title": "Automated Consent Order Service", "price": "£900", "priceMonths": "£300/mo", "priceSplit": "£450", "content": "amicable is unique because we keep costs down by working with you and your ex-partner together, for a fixed and transparent fee. Our Automated Consent Order Service is for couples who are in total agreement about how to separate their finances, and have simple or no assets. You’re both happy to go through this process without expert guidance and advice from a Divorce Specialist.", "included": [ "Dashboard - access to our user-friendly online portal for status updates and where you submit your financial information (financial disclosure)", "Technical support - our friendly customer services team are at hand to help you navigate our online portal smoothly", "The ‘legal bit’ - we prepare your consent order, which outlines your financial agreements", "Court process - we manage the entire process, including all court correspondence", "Flexible payments - a fixed price, with the option to spread the cost over three months" ], "readmore": "/automated-consent-order-service", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/15-minute-consultation", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "automated_consent_order_service" }, "buttons": [ { "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_DYStsRdnBvHjOf" } ] }, "automated_consent_order_service_addons": { "type": "page", "title": "Automated Consent Order Service", "price": "£900", "priceMonths": "£300/mo", "priceSplit": "£450", "content": "amicable is unique because we keep costs down by working with you and your ex-partner together, for a fixed and transparent fee. Our Automated Consent Order Service is for couples who are in total agreement about how to separate their finances, and have simple or no assets. You’re both happy to go through this process without expert guidance and advice from a Divorce Specialist.", "included": [ "Dashboard - access to our user-friendly online portal for status updates and where you submit your financial information (financial disclosure)", "Technical support - our friendly customer services team are at hand to help you navigate our online portal smoothly", "The ‘legal bit’ - we prepare your consent order, which outlines your financial agreements", "Court process - we manage the entire process, including all court correspondence", "Flexible payments - a fixed price, with the option to spread the cost over three months" ], "readmore": "/automated-consent-order-service", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/15-minute-consultation", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "automated_consent_order_service_addons" }, "addonBanner": true, "buttons": [ { "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_DYStsRdnBvHjOf&addons=true" } ] }, "assisted_consent_order_service": { "type": "page", "title": "Assisted Consent Order Service", "price": "£1500", "priceMonths": "£500/mo", "priceSplit": "£750", "content": "amicable is unique because we keep costs down by working with you and your ex-partner together for a fixed and transparent fee. Our Assisted Consent Order Service is designed for couples who are in total agreement about how to separate their finances.", "included": [ "Your Divorce Specialist - your own specialist to answer all your questions and guide you through the process", "Dashboard - access to our user-friendly online portal for status updates and where you submit your financial information (financial disclosure)", "Expert review - your Divorce Specialist will check whether your agreement is fair and prepare explanations for the court", "The ‘legal bit’ - we prepare your consent order, which outlines your financial agreements to the court", "Court process - we manage the entire process, including all court correspondence", "Flexible payments - a fixed price, with the option to spread the cost over three" ], "readmore": "/assisted-consent-order-service", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/15-minute-consultation", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "assisted_consent_order_service" }, "buttons": [ { "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_DYSd7tLxBYLtmW" } ] }, "assisted_consent_order_service_addons": { "type": "page", "title": "Assisted Consent Order Service", "price": "£1500", "priceMonths": "£500/mo", "priceSplit": "£750", "content": "amicable is unique because we keep costs down by working with you and your ex-partner together for a fixed and transparent fee. Our Assisted Consent Order Service is designed for couples who are in total agreement about how to separate their finances.", "included": [ "Your Divorce Specialist - your own specialist to answer all your questions and guide you through the process", "Dashboard - access to our user-friendly online portal for status updates and where you submit your financial information (financial disclosure)", "Expert review - your Divorce Specialist will check whether your agreement is fair and prepare explanations for the court", "The ‘legal bit’ - we prepare your consent order, which outlines your financial agreements to the court", "Court process - we manage the entire process, including all court correspondence", "Flexible payments - a fixed price, with the option to spread the cost over three" ], "readmore": "/assisted-consent-order-service", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/15-minute-consultation", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "assisted_consent_order_service_addons" }, "addonBanner": true, "buttons": [ { "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_DYSd7tLxBYLtmW&addons=true" } ] }, "automated_separation_agreement_service": { "type": "page", "title": "Automated Separation Agreement Service", "price": "£900", "priceSplit": "£450", "content": "amicable is unique because we keep costs down by working with you and your ex-partner together, for a fixed and transparent fee. Our Automated Separation Agreement Service is designed for cohabiting couples or couples who wish to separate before they divorce. It’s the right option for you if you’re in total agreement about how to separate your finances. You’re both happy to go through this process without expert guidance and advice from a Divorce Specialist.", "included": [ "Dashboard - access to our user-friendly online portal for status updates and where you submit your financial information (financial disclosure)", "Technical support - our friendly customer services team are at hand to help you navigate our online portal smoothly", "Your separation agreement - all separation agreement documents completed on your behalf", "Transparent fees - a fixed price, which includes VAT" ], "moreInfo": "please note; we offer fixed fee packages and do not refund unused time or sessions", "readmore": "/automated-separation-agreement-service", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/call-with-amicable", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "automated_separation_agreement_service" }, "buttons": [ { "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_IKqVNomgEErRbD" } ] }, "automated_separation_agreement_service_addons": { "type": "page", "title": "Automated Separation Agreement Service", "price": "£900", "priceSplit": "£450", "content": "amicable is unique because we keep costs down by working with you and your ex-partner together, for a fixed and transparent fee. Our Automated Separation Agreement Service is designed for cohabiting couples or couples who wish to separate before they divorce. It’s the right option for you if you’re in total agreement about how to separate your finances. You’re both happy to go through this process without expert guidance and advice from a Divorce Specialist.", "included": [ "Dashboard - access to our user-friendly online portal for status updates and where you submit your financial information (financial disclosure)", "Technical support - our friendly customer services team are at hand to help you navigate our online portal smoothly", "Your separation agreement - all separation agreement documents completed on your behalf", "Transparent fees - a fixed price, which includes VAT" ], "moreInfo": "please note; we offer fixed fee packages and do not refund unused time or sessions", "readmore": "/automated-separation-agreement-service", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/call-with-amicable", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "automated_separation_agreement_service_addons" }, "addonBanner": true, "buttons": [ { "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_IKqVNomgEErRbD&addons=true" } ] }, "assisted_separation_agreement_service": { "type": "page", "title": "Assisted Separation Agreement Service", "price": "£1500", "priceMonths": "£500/mo", "priceSplit": "£750", "content": "Our Assisted Separation Agreement Service is designed for cohabiting couples or couples who wish to separate before they divorce. It’s the right service for you if you’re in total agreement about how to separate your finances.", "included": [ "Your Separation Specialist - your own specialist to guide you through the entire process, lead your sessions and answer all your questions", "Dashboard - access to our user-friendly online portal for status updates and where you submit your financial information (financial disclosure)", "Your separation agreement - all separation agreement documents completed on your behalf", "Transparent fees - a fixed price, which includes VAT" ], "readmore": "/assisted-separation-agreement-service", "bookCallLabel": "Book a call", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/call-with-amicable", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "assisted_separation_agreement_service" }, "buttons": [ { "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_IKqTr8hkoNOe0l" } ] }, "assisted_separation_agreement_service_addons": { "type": "page", "title": "Assisted Separation Agreement Service", "price": "£1500", "priceMonths": "£500/mo", "priceSplit": "£750", "content": "Our Assisted Separation Agreement Service is designed for cohabiting couples or couples who wish to separate before they divorce. It’s the right service for you if you’re in total agreement about how to separate your finances.", "included": [ "Your Separation Specialist - your own specialist to guide you through the entire process, lead your sessions and answer all your questions", "Dashboard - access to our user-friendly online portal for status updates and where you submit your financial information (financial disclosure)", "Your separation agreement - all separation agreement documents completed on your behalf", "Transparent fees - a fixed price, which includes VAT" ], "readmore": "/assisted-separation-agreement-service", "bookCallLabel": "Book a call", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/call-with-amicable", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "assisted_separation_agreement_service_addons" }, "addonBanner": true, "buttons": [ { "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_IKqTr8hkoNOe0l&addons=true" } ] }, "negotiation_with_separation_agreement_service": { "type": "page", "title": "Negotiation with Separation Agreement Service", "price": "£3450", "priceMonths": "£1150/mo", "priceSplit": "£1,725", "content": "Our Negotiation with Separation Agreement Service is designed for cohabiting couples or couples who wish to separate before they divorce. It is the right service for you if you need help agreeing how to divide your finances and would like to document your agreement in a separation agreement.", "included": [ "Your Separation Specialist - your own specialist to guide you through the entire process, lead your sessions and answer all your questions", "Negotiation sessions - up to four one-hour sessions to reach an agreement on dividing your money and property through our unique GROW model", "Your separation agreement - all separation agreement documents completed on your behalf", "Flexible payments - fixed price, with the option to spread the cost over six months" ], "readmore": "/negotiation-with-separation-agreement-service", "bookCallLabel": "Book a call", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/15-minute-consultation", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "negotiation_with_separation_agreement_service" }, "buttons": [ { "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_OUbqKwVb441cKq" } ] }, "negotiation_with_separation_agreement_service_addons": { "type": "page", "title": "Negotiation with Separation Agreement Service", "price": "£3450", "priceMonths": "£1150/mo", "priceSplit": "£1,725", "content": "Our Negotiation with Separation Agreement Service is designed for cohabiting couples or couples who wish to separate before they divorce. It is the right service for you if you need help agreeing how to divide your finances and would like to document your agreement in a separation agreement.", "included": [ "Your Separation Specialist - your own specialist to guide you through the entire process, lead your sessions and answer all your questions", "Negotiation sessions - up to four one-hour sessions to reach an agreement on dividing your money and property through our unique GROW model", "Your separation agreement - all separation agreement documents completed on your behalf", "Flexible payments - 1 fixed price, with the option to spread the cost over six months" ], "readmore": "/negotiation-with-separation-agreement-service", "bookCallLabel": "Book a call", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/15-minute-consultation", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "negotiation_with_separation_agreement_service_addons" }, "addonBanner": true, "buttons": [ { "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_OUbqKwVb441cKq&addons=true" } ] }, "negotiation_plus_with_separation_agreement_service": { "type": "page", "title": "Negotiation Plus with Separation Agreement", "price": "£5910", "priceMonths": "£1970/mo", "priceSplit": "£2,955", "content": "Our Negotiation Plus with Separation Agreement is designed to help couples navigate the legal and financial journey of separating. It’s the right service for you if you need help agreeing how to divide your finances and would like to document your arrangements in a separation agreement.", "included": [ "Your Separation Specialist - your own specialist to guide you through the entire process, lead your sessions and answer all your questions", "Negotiation sessions - up to six one-hour sessions to help you both agree how to separate your finances through our unique GROW model", "Dashboard - access to our user-friendly online portal for status updates", "Separation agreement - all separation agreement documents completed on your behalf", "Flexible payments - a fixed price, with the option to spread the cost over six months" ], "readmore": "/negotiation-plus-with-separation-agreement", "bookCallLabel": "Book a call", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/15-minute-consultation", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "negotiation_plus_with_separation_agreement_service" }, "buttons": [ { "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_OUbuacLWJ12XRD" } ] }, "negotiation_plus_with_separation_agreement_service_addons": { "type": "page", "title": "Negotiation Plus with Separation Agreement", "price": "£5910", "priceMonths": "£1970/mo", "priceSplit": "£2,955", "content": "Our Negotiation Plus with Separation Agreement is designed to help couples navigate the legal and financial journey of separating. It’s the right service for you if you need help agreeing how to divide your finances and would like to document your arrangements in a separation agreement.", "included": [ "Your Separation Specialist - your own specialist to guide you through the entire process, lead your sessions and answer all your questions", "Negotiation sessions - up to six one-hour sessions to help you both agree how to separate your finances through our unique GROW model", "Dashboard - access to our user-friendly online portal for status updates", "Separation agreement - all separation agreement documents completed on your behalf", "Flexible payments - a fixed price, with the option to spread the cost over six months" ], "readmore": "/negotiation-plus-with-separation-agreement", "bookCallLabel": "Book a call", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/15-minute-consultation", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "negotiation_plus_with_separation_agreement_service_addons" }, "addonBanner": true, "buttons": [ { "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_OUbuacLWJ12XRD&addons=true" } ] } }

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Full Divorce


 inc VAT

If your relationship has come to an end, you’ll need to agree how to split your money, property, other assets and of course -if you have children - how you’ll co-parent. Amicable helps you focus on the future and agree arrangements for your unique circumstances. Unlike lawyers, who can only represent one of you, we’ll work with you both to ensure the best possible outcome. This service is the right option for you if you have either; almost come to a full agreement but have a single issue to agree; you want some help to understand if your agreement is fair; or, you have complex assets (more than one property orassets over £2m or a business to divide/discuss and want your agreement written up.

What's included?

  • Two hours of support; (2x 60 minute sessions with an expert Divorce Specialist, oradditional support at the drafting stage)*
Additional service

Separating with Children Service

If you and your ex-partner have separated, you don’t need to go through the court to make arrangements for your children. Whether you're newly separated or have been apart for a while, our Separating with Children Service supports you on your parenting journey. Our 90-minute joint session with an expert Specialist is a flexible alternative to mediation and using solicitors, helping you reach agreements outside of court.

A dedicated Specialist will facilitate the session

A 90-minute joint session

Access to a parenting plan template you can use to document your agreements