{ "start": { "type": "question", "image": "map-europe", "question": "Do either you or your ex live in England or Wales?", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "married_in_civil_partnership" }, { "label": "No", "next": "out_of_region" } ] }, "out_of_region": { "type": "other_region", "title": "At the moment we only support England & Wales.", "content": "You can sign up for our waiting list and we'll let you know when amicable\n is available in your country.", "buttons": [] }, "married_in_civil_partnership": { "type": "question", "image": "rings_new", "question": "What is your legal marital status?", "options": [{ "label": "We're married/in a civil partnership", "next": "financial_arrangements_2" }, { "label": "We're cohabiting", "next": "SA_financial_arrangements" }, { "label": "We're married & have started the divorce process", "next": "CO_financial_arrangements" } ] }, "financial_arrangements_2": { "type": "question", "image": "money_transfer", "question": "Do you need to split your money and property?", "more_info": "If your relationship has come to an end, you’ll need to agree how to split your money, property, pensions and other assets. Sorting out your finances is a completely separate process to getting divorced or ending a civil partnership.", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "how_far_along_qn_3" }, { "label": "No", "next": "no_financial_arrangements_to_make" } ] }, "how_far_along_qn_3": { "type": "question", "image": "discussion", "question": "How far along are you with your arrangements?", "options": [{ "label": "We need help agreeing", "next": "has_2m_assets_2" }, { "label": "We've agreed but we would like to discuss our arrangements", "next": "full" }, { "label": "We're in total agreement", "next": "has_2m_assets_4" } ] }, "has_2m_assets_2": { "type": "question", "image": "house_coins", "question": "Do you have complex assets?", "more_info": "Complex assets include three or more properties (including part ownership or overseas property), or a business to divide/discuss or overseas assets or assets over £2m.", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "negotiation_plus" }, { "label": "No", "next": "emotional_support" } ] }, "emotional_support": { "type": "question", "image": "house_coins", "question": "Is one, or are both of you struggling to cope emotionally?", "more_info": "Would you benefit from talking to your Divorce Specialist outside of the joint sessions?", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "negotiation_plus" }, { "label": "No", "next": "needs_neg_plus" } ] }, "needs_neg_plus": { "type": "question", "image": "house_coins", "question": "Will you need financial advice (tax, inheritence, wealth planning)? ", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "negotiation_plus" }, { "label": "No", "next": "negotiation" } ] }, "has_2m_assets_4": { "type": "question", "image": "house_coins", "question": "Do you have complex assets?", "more_info": "Complex assets include three or more properties (including part ownership or overseas property), or a business to divide/discuss or overseas assets or assets over £2m.", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "full" }, { "label": "No", "next": "dp_plus_consent" } ] }, "no_financial_arrangements_to_make_CO": { "type": "question", "image": "money_in_jar", "question": "Have you answered \"no\" to splitting your finances because...", "options": [{ "label": "We already split our finances", "next": "already_split_finances_CO" }, { "label": "We have no finances to sort out", "next": "do_you_have_kids_CO" } ] }, "already_split_finances_CO": { "type": "question", "image": "rings_2", "question": "Do you have dependent children?", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "sort_out_child_arragements_finances_CO" }, { "label": "No", "next": "consent_order" } ] }, "do_you_have_kids_CO": { "type": "question", "image": "kids", "question": "Do you have any dependent children?", "more_info": "What does dependent mean? Children who are under 18. They don't have to be living with you but you're contributing to financially to their upbringing", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "sort_out_child_arragements_CO" }, { "label": "No", "redirect": "/book-divorce-advice-call" } ] }, "sort_out_child_arragements_CO": { "type": "question", "image": "father_and_child", "question": "Do you need to sort out your child arrangements?", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "write_child_arrangement_CO" }, { "label": "No", "redirect": "/book-divorce-advice-call" } ] }, "sort_out_child_arragements_finances_CO": { "type": "question", "image": "father_and_child", "question": "Do you need to sort out your child arrangements?", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "consent_order_with_parenting_contract" }, { "label": "No", "next": "consent_order" } ] }, "write_child_arrangement_CO": { "type": "question", "image": "arragment", "question": "Would you like amicable to write up your child arrangements into a contract?", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "parenting_contract" }, { "label": "No, we just want help agreeing", "next": "co_parenting_coaching" } ] }, "no_financial_arrangements_to_make": { "type": "question", "image": "money_in_jar", "question": "Have you answered \"no\" to splitting your finances because...", "options": [{ "label": "We already split our finances", "next": "already_split_finances" }, { "label": "We have no finances to sort out", "next": "not_end_financial_claims" } ] }, "already_split_finances": { "type": "question", "image": "rings_2", "question": "What do you want to do?", "options": [{ "label": "Just divorce at this point", "next": "simple" }, { "label": "Divorce and end all financial claims", "next": "has_2m_assets_5" } ] }, "has_2m_assets_5": { "type": "question", "image": "house_coins", "question": "Do you have complex assets?", "more_info": "Complex assets include three or more properties (including part ownership or overseas property), or a business to divide/discuss or overseas assets or assets over £2m.", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "full" }, { "label": "No", "next": "dp_plus_consent" } ] }, "just_divorce": { "type": "question", "image": "rings_2", "question": "What do you want to do?", "options": [{ "label": "Just divorce at this point", "next": "simple" }, { "label": "Divorce and end all financial claims", "next": "dp_plus_consent" } ] }, "not_end_financial_claims": { "type": "question", "image": "money_transfer", "question": "Just getting divorced does NOT end your financial claims against each other. If you buy property in the future, build up a pension or savings, inherit or win the lottery, your ex can make claims against these things.", "options": [{ "label": "I am fine with that", "next": "simple" }, { "label": "I want to stop future financial claims", "next": "dp_plus_consent" } ] }, "manage_your_divorce": { "type": "question", "image": "rings_new", "question": "Do you want us to manage your divorce or just a financial split?", "options": [{ "label": "Just the finances", "next": "consent_order" }, { "label": "Divorce and finances", "next": "dp_plus_consent" } ] }, "CO_financial_arrangements": { "type": "question", "image": "money_transfer", "question": "Do you need to separate your finances?", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "CO_how_far_along" }, { "label": "No", "next": "no_financial_arrangements_to_make_CO" } ] }, "CO_how_far_along": { "type": "question", "image": "discussion", "more_info": "What consitutes 'fair'?", "more_info_redirect": { "label": "Check out our agreement checker", "redirect": "/amicable-agreement-checker" }, "question": "How far along are you with your arrangements?", "options": [{ "label": "We need help agreeing", "next": "CO_has_2m_assets_1" }, { "label": "We've agreed but we would like to discuss our arrangements", "next": "CO_what_help_you_need" }, { "label": "We're in total agreement", "next": "CO_has_2m_assets_2" } ] }, "CO_has_2m_assets_1": { "type": "question", "image": "house_coins", "question": "Do you have complex assets?", "more_info": "Complex assets include three or more properties (including part ownership or overseas property), or a business to divide/discuss or overseas assets or assets over £2m.", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "negotiation_plus" }, { "label": "No", "next": "CO_emotional_support" } ] }, "CO_emotional_support": { "type": "question", "image": "house_coins", "question": "Is one, or are both of you struggling to cope emotionally?", "more_info": "Would you benefit from talking to your Divorce Specialist outside of the joint sessions?", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "negotiation_plus" }, { "label": "No", "next": "CO_needs_neg_plus" } ] }, "CO_needs_neg_plus": { "type": "question", "image": "house_coins", "question": "Will you need financial advice (tax, inheritence, wealth planning?", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "negotiation_plus" }, { "label": "No", "next": "negotiation" } ] }, "CO_what_help_you_need": { "type": "question", "image": "handshake", "question": "What do you need help with?", "options": [{ "label": "Both childcare and finances", "next": "CO_has_2m_assets_1" }, { "label": "Finalising finances", "next": "negotiation" }, { "label": "Childcare arrangements", "next": "consent_order_with_parenting_contract" } ] }, "CO_has_2m_assets_2": { "type": "question", "image": "house_coins", "question": "Do you have complex assets?", "more_info": "Complex assets include three or more properties (including part ownership or overseas property), or a business to divide/discuss or overseas assets or assets over £2m.", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "negotiation" }, { "label": "No", "next": "consent_order" } ] }, "do_you_have_kids": { "type": "question", "image": "kids", "question": "Do you have any dependent children?", "more_info": "What does dependent mean? Children who are under 18. They don't have to be living with you but you're contributing to financially to their upbringing", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "sort_out_child_arragements" }, { "label": "No", "redirect": "/book-divorce-advice-call" } ] }, "sort_out_child_arragements": { "type": "question", "image": "father_and_child", "question": "Do you need to sort out your child arrangements?", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "write_child_arragment" }, { "label": "No", "next": "separation_agreement_write_up_service" } ] }, "write_child_arragment": { "type": "question", "image": "arragment", "question": "Would you like amicable to write up your child arrangements into a contract?", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "parenting_contract" }, { "label": "No, we just want help agreeing", "next": "co_parenting_coaching" } ] }, "SA_financial_arrangements": { "type": "question", "image": "money_transfer", "question": "Do you need to separate your finances?", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "SA_how_far_along" }, { "label": "No", "next": "do_you_have_kids" } ] }, "SA_how_far_along": { "type": "question", "image": "discussion", "more_info": "What consitutes 'fair'?", "more_info_redirect": { "label": "Check out our agreement checker", "redirect": "/amicable-agreement-checker" }, "question": "How far along are you with your arrangements?", "options": [{ "label": "We need help agreeing", "next": "SA_has_2m_assets_1" }, { "label": "We've agreed but we would like to discuss our arrangements", "next": "SA_what_help_you_need" }, { "label": "We're in total agreement", "next": "SA_has_2m_assets_2" } ] }, "SA_has_2m_assets_1": { "type": "question", "image": "house_coins", "question": "Do you have complex assets?", "more_info": "Complex assets include three or more properties (including part ownership or overseas property), or a business to divide/discuss or overseas assets or assets over £2m.", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "premium_plus_separation_agreement" }, { "label": "No", "next": "SA_emotional_support" } ] }, "SA_emotional_support": { "type": "question", "image": "house_coins", "question": "Is one, or are both of you struggling to cope emotionally?", "more_info": "Would you benefit from talking to your Divorce Specialist outside of the joint sessions?", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "premium_plus_separation_agreement" }, { "label": "No", "next": "needs_SA_neg_plus" } ] }, "needs_SA_neg_plus": { "type": "question", "image": "house_coins", "question": "Will you need financial advice (tax, inheritence, wealth planning)? ", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "premium_plus_separation_agreement" }, { "label": "No", "next": "premium_separation_agreement" } ] }, "SA_what_help_you_need": { "type": "question", "image": "handshake", "question": "What do you need help with?", "options": [{ "label": "Both childcare and finances", "next": "SA_has_2m_assets_1" }, { "label": "Finalising finances", "next": "assisted_separation_agreement" }, { "label": "Childcare arrangements", "next": "separation_write_up_with_parenting_contract" } ] }, "SA_has_2m_assets_2": { "type": "question", "image": "house_coins", "question": "Do you have complex assets?", "more_info": "Complex assets include three or more properties (including part ownership or overseas property), or a business to divide/discuss or overseas assets or assets over £2m.", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "assisted_separation_agreement" }, { "label": "No", "next": "separation_agreement_write_up_service" } ] }, "help_with_child_arragments": { "type": "question", "image": "family_on_sofa", "question": "Would you like help with your child arrangements?", "options": [{ "label": "Yes", "next": "separation_write_up_with_parenting_contract" }, { "label": "No", "next": "separation_agreement_write_up_service" } ] }, "simple": { "type": "page", "title": "Simple Divorce", "price": "£300", "priceMonths": "£100/mo", "priceSplit": "£150", "content": "Most people don’t get divorced very often, so it’s no surprise that lots of us don’t know what’s involved – or that you don’t need to use lawyers. If you are looking to make your divorce as simple and stress-free as possible you can trust amicable. Our simple divorce service ensures your divorce is managed from start to finish by an expert Divorce Specialist. This is the right option for you if you have no financial or childcare arrangements to make, or want to get started with the divorce and leave the finances until later.", "included": [ "All divorce documents completed for you by an expert", "Free support from your Divorce Specialist by telephone and email", "Court liaison and chasing managed on your behalf", "No need to attend court", "Fixed price and you can spread the cost over three months" ], "readmore": "/simple-divorce-service", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "1" }, "buttons": [{ "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_DKMtHNXYRy7jGx" }] }, "simple_plus_cleanbreak": { "type": "page", "title": "Simple Divorce + No-Asset Clean Break Order", "price": "£600", "priceMonths": "£200/mo", "priceSplit": "£300", "content": "Just getting divorced does NOT end your financial claims against each other. If you buy property in the future, build up a pension or savings, inherit or win the lottery, your ex can make claims against these things at any point in the future. If you think you will have assets in the future then our simple divorce with a clean break order is the right option. If you are looking to make your divorce as simple and stress-free as possible you can trust amicable. Our simple divorce and no-asset clean break service ensures your divorce is managed from start to finish by an expert Divorce Specialist and protects you both from any future claims against each other.", "included": [ "All divorce documents completed for you by an expert", "A No-Asset Clean Break Consent Order to make your financial agreement legally binding", "Free support from your Divorce Specialist by telephone and email", "Court liaison and chasing managed on your behalf", "No need to attend court", "Fixed price and you can spread the cost over three months" ], "readmore": "/divorce-with-clean-break", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "2" }, "buttons": [{ "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_Em7sI69r8SwB5T" }] }, "consent_order": { "type": "page", "title": "Consent Order", "price": "£900", "priceMonths": "£300/mo", "priceSplit": "£450", "content": "Most people don’t get divorced very often, so it’s no surprise that lots of us don’t know what’s involved or that you don’t need lawyers. amicable is unique because we keep the costs down by working with you and your partner together, something most lawyers are not able to do. We'll help you document a fair divorce settlement not unpick it or create tension. This service is the right option for you if you have already agreed your financial and or childcare arrangements and want to have these written up into a legally binding document as part of your divorce.", "included": [ "The process is managed by us from start to finish", "Access to amicable's online portal that allows you to upload your financial information and keep up to date with the progress of your case any time of the day or night", "Telephone support throughout the process", "All consent order documents completed on your behalf", "A comprehensive legally binding consent order", "All court correspondence handled by us", "No need to attend court", "Fixed price with the option to spread the cost over three months" ], "readmore": "/consent-order-service", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/call", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "15" }, "buttons": [{ "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_DYStsRdnBvHjOf" }] }, "dp_plus_consent": { "type": "page", "title": "Divorce With Consent Order", "price": "£1200", "priceMonths": "£400/mo", "priceSplit": "£600", "content": "amicable is unique because we keep costs down by working with you and your partner together, something lawyers are not able to do. This service is right for you if you are in total agreement on your finances and want a legally binding consent order setting out your agreement and protecting you both from future claims (a clean break). We'll help you document a fair divorce settlement not unpick it or create tension but we’ll let you know if we think the court might raise queries on anything you’ve agreed. Our divorce with consent order service ensures your divorce and financial arrangements are managed from start to finish and telephone support is available to answer your questions.", "included": [ "The process is managed by us from start to finish", "Access to amicable's online portal that allows you to upload your financial information and keep up to date with the progress of your case any time of the day or night", "Telephone support throughout the process", "All divorce documents completed on your behalf", "A comprehensive legally binding consent order", "All court correspondence handled by us", "No need to attend court", "Fixed price with the option to spread the cost over six months" ], "readmore": "/divorce-with-consent-order-service/", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/call", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "4" }, "buttons": [{ "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_DKN0vnD5ZeNP6P" }] }, "full": { "type": "page", "title": "Assisted Divorce and Consent Order Service", "price": "£1800", "priceMonths": "£300/mo", "priceSplit": "£150", "content": "Our Assisted Divorce and Consent Order Service is the right option for you if you have come to a full agreement and want to discuss it with a divorce specialist. Our divorce specialist will help you understand what the court thinks is fair and help you prepare explanations about your agreement so a judge can approve your agreement and make it legally binding. You will need to use this service rather than our basic Consent Order Service if you have an agreement involving complex assets. Complex assets include three or more properties (including part ownership or overseas property), or a business to divide/discuss or overseas assets or assets over £2m.", "included": [ "Divorce Specialist - Your own dedicated Divorce Specialist to answer your questions and guide you through the process. This includes joint calls to talk through your agreements and answer questions on the Consent Order documents", "The ‘legal bit’ - We complete the legal forms necessary for your divorce and prepare your consent order which outlines your financial agreements to the court – including D81, form A and a pension sharing order where applicable", "The court process - We manage the court process on your behalf", "Emotional guidance - Access to support with the emotional journey and the transition from parents to co-parents if you have children" ], "readmore": "/assisted-divorce-and-consent-order-service/", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/15-minute-consultation", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "3" }, "buttons": [{ "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_DKNLafCj3Bo8Vj" }] }, "negotiation": { "type": "page", "title": "Negotiation Service", "price": "£3450", "priceMonths": "£1150/mo", "priceSplit": "£1725", "content": "If your relationship has come to an end, you’ll need to agree how to split your money, property, other assets. amicable helps you focus on the future and agree arrangements for your unique circumstances. Unlike lawyers, we’ll work with you both to ensure the best possible outcome every single step of the way. You will have a dedicated Divorce Specialist to support and advise the two of you throughout your legal journey and help you to negotiate and agree your post-separation plans. If you haven't started your divorce, we’ll do that for free as part of the service. If you have children and want a dedicated co-parenting session to discuss how to tell them about the divorce or to discuss your onward co-parenting arrangements, you can add on our co-parenting contract for an additional £420.", "included": [ "Support from an expert Divorce Specialist to help you and your ex-partner agree your financial arrangements and to support you through the legal journey", "Help to complete your financial disclosure for the court", "A comprehensive legally binding consent order", "We handle all court correspondence relating to your consent order", "We’ll even do your divorce for you for free (if you haven’t started it)" ], "readmore": "/negotiation-with-divorce-service/", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/15-minute-consultation", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "6" }, "buttons": [], "bookCallLabel": "Book a call" }, "negotiation_plus": { "type": "page", "title": "Negotiation Plus Service", "price": "£5910", "priceMonths": "£1970/mo", "priceSplit": "£2955", "content": "If your relationship has come to an end, you’ll need to agree how to split your money, property, other assets and of course - if you have children - how you’ll co-parent. amicable helps you focus on the future and agree arrangements for your unique circumstances. Unlike lawyers, who can usually only represent one of you, we’ll work with you both to ensure the best possible outcome for the whole family. You will have a dedicated Divorce Specialist to help you navigate the emotional journey of your separation. For couples with more complex assets, we will offer introductions to specialists such as pensions, financial or tax experts where appropriate and will help you to integrate their advice into the legal framework of divorce and separation. If you haven't started your divorce, we’ll do that for free as part of the service.", "included": [ "Support from an expert Divorce Specialist to help you and your ex-partner agree your financial and children arrangements and to support you through the legal journey", "Help to complete your financial disclosure for the court", "A comprehensive legally binding consent order", "All divorce documents completed on your behalf", "All court correspondence handled by us" ], "readmore": "/negotiation-plus-with-divorce-service/", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/15-minute-consultation", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "5" }, "buttons": [], "bookCallLabel": "Book a call" }, "bespoke": { "type": "page", "title": "Bespoke Services", "price": "from £10,200", "priceMonths": "£2230/mo", "priceSplit": "£3345", "content": "For couples with over £2m and/or complex assets, amicable offers a unique and bespoke way to separate, prioritising your children and ensuring your wealth remains with your family and not with lawyers. Our tailor-made divorce service includes all the usual legal assistance you would expect from Divorce Specialists, as well as a menu of valuable family services that you can choose from, to create a personalised experience based on your family’s individual needs.", "included": [ "amicable Bespoke saves you time by providing a tailor-made separation and divorce service.", "We will provide you with a personal divorce plan that sets out the different help and services we can offer you and your family.", "Transparent fees and a wide range of services to cover every aspect of your separation.", "Please book a call below to discuss with one of our expert Divorce Specialists." ], "readmore": "/bespoke-service", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/20-min-bespoke", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "5" }, "buttons": [], "bookCallLabel": "Book a call" }, "separation_coaching": { "type": "page", "title": "Separation Coaching Session", "price": "£210", "priceMonths": "£210/mo", "content": "If your relationship has come to an end, you’ll need to agree on how to split your money, property, other assets and of course - if you have children - how you’ll co-parent. The separation coaching session includes up to 60-minutes of advice and guidance from an experienced, friendly specialist. Your session can focus on any aspect of your separation, from helping you talk to your children about what’s happening, to agreeing on financial issues. Each session will focus on a single issue.", "included": [ "Up to 60-minutes of guidance and advice with a Separation Specialist", "The session can be used to help you and your ex-partner agree on a particular issue regarding your separation", "Takes place remotely through video conferencing or by telephone" ], "readmore": "/separation-coaching", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "7" }, "buttons": [], "bookCallLabel": "Book a call" }, "separation_agreement_write_up_service": { "type": "page", "title": "Separation Agreement Write-up Service", "price": "£900", "priceSplit": "£450", "content": "This service is the right option for you if you have already agreed your financial and/or sorting out childcare arrangements and want to have these written up into a comprehensive Separation Agreement.", "included": [ "Online access to your own expert Divorce Specialist by phone and email", "Support, updates and answers to queries as your agreement is prepared", "Access to amicable's online portal that allows you to upload your financial information, keep up to date with the progress of your case and contact your specialist", "Ability to send us your Memorandum of Understanding to draft from if no further disclosure is required", "Option to add on the Parenting Contract service once you have signed up" ], "readmore": "/separation-agreement-write-up-service", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/call-with-amicable", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "8" }, "buttons": [{ "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_IKqVNomgEErRbD" }] }, "assisted_separation_agreement": { "type": "page", "title": "Assisted Separation Agreement", "price": "£1500", "priceMonths": "£500/mo", "priceSplit": "£750", "content": "Our Assisted Separation Agreement Service is designed for cohabiting couples or couples who wish to separate before they divorce. It’s the right option for you if you have come to a full agreement on finances and children and want to discuss your agreement with a separation specialist. You will need to use this service rather than our basic Separation Agreement Service if you have an agreement involving complex assets (more than one property or assets over £2m or a business to divide/discuss) It's important to note that separation agreements are not automatically enforceable by the courts. For more information on this please speak to one of our experts.", "included": [ "Separation Specialist - Online access to your own expert Separation Specialist by phone and email", "Queries discussed and answered - Updates and answers to queries as your agreement is prepared. This includes joint calls to talk through your agreements and answer questions on separation document", "Access to amicable's online portal – this allows you to upload your financial information, keep up to date with the progress of your case and contact your specialist, along with the ability to send us your Memorandum of Understanding to draft from if no further disclosure is required", "Emotional guidance - Access to support with the emotional journey and the transition from parents to co-parents if you have children" ], "moreInfo": "please note; we offer fixed fee packages and do not refund unused time or sessions", "readmore": "/sorting-out-separation-standard-package", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/call-with-amicable", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "9" }, "buttons": [{ "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_IKqTr8hkoNOe0l" }] }, "premium_separation_agreement": { "type": "page", "title": "Negotiation with Separation Agreement Service", "price": "£3450", "priceMonths": "£1150/mo", "priceSplit": "£1725", "content": "If your relationship has come to an end, you’ll need to agree how to split your money, property, other assets and of course - if you have children - how you’ll co-parent. amicable helps you focus on the future and agree arrangements for your unique circumstances. Unlike lawyers, we’ll work with you both to ensure the best possible outcome every single step of the way. This service is designed to help cohabiting couples or couples who wish to separate before they divorce with dividing their finances and/or sorting out child arrangements. The service includes a separation agreement, it's important to note that separation agreements are not automatically enforceable by the courts. For more information on this please speak to one of our experts.", "included": [ "Online access to your own expert Separation Specialist by phone and email", "Up to six sessions with an expert Separation Specialist to help you agree on your financial and child arrangements", "Co-parenting support to help you transition from parents to co-parents", "Access to amicable's online portal that allows you to upload your financial information, keep up to date with the progress of your case and contact your specialist", "Ability to send us your Memorandum of Understanding to draft from if no further disclosure is required" ], "readmore": "/negotiation-with-separation-agreement-service/", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "10" }, "buttons": [], "bookCallLabel": "Book a call" }, "premium_plus_separation_agreement": { "type": "page", "title": "Negotiation Plus with Separation Agreement", "price": "£5910", "priceMonths": "£1970/mo", "priceSplit": "£2955", "content": "If your relationship has come to an end, you’ll need to agree how to split your money, property, other assets and of course - if you have children - how you’ll co-parent. amicable helps you focus on the future and agree arrangements for your unique circumstances. Unlike lawyers, we’ll work with you both to ensure the best possible outcome every single step of the way. You will have a dedicated Divorce Specialist to help you navigate your separation. For couples with more complex assets we are able to offer introductions to specialists such as pensions, financial or tax experts where appropriate and will help you to integrate their advice into the legal framework of divorce and separation.", "included": [ "Support from an expert Divorce Specialist to help you and your ex-partner agree your financial and children arrangements and to support you through the emotional journey", "Help to complete your financial disclosure for the court", "A comprehensive legally binding consent order", "All divorce documents completed on your behalf", "All court correspondence handled by us" ], "readmore": "negotiation-plus-with-separation-agreement/", "calendlyUrl": "https://calendly.com/amicable/15-minute-consultation", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "11" }, "buttons": [], "bookCallLabel": "Book a call" }, "co_parenting_coaching": { "type": "page", "title": "Co-parenting Coaching Session", "price": "£210", "content": "If your relationship has come to an end, you’ll need to agree on how you’ll co-parent. The co-parenting coaching session includes up to 60-minutes of advice and guidance from an experienced, friendly specialist. Your session can focus on any aspect of co-parenting, from helping you talk to your children about what’s happening, to agreeing on child arrangements. Each session will focus on a single issue.", "included": [ "Up to 60-minutes of guidance and advice with a Co-parenting Specialist", "The session can be used to help you and your ex-partner agree on a particular issue regarding your co-parenting", "Takes place remotely through video conferencing or by telephone" ], "readmore": "/co-parenting-coaching-session", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "12" }, "buttons": [{ "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_Em8WJufMtijwoL" }] }, "parenting_contract": { "type": "page", "title": "Parenting Contract", "price": "£420", "content": "The Parenting Contract ensures your child arrangements are discussed, agreed and documented with the help of one of amicable’s expert parenting specialists. The Parenting Contract gives you complete peace of mind knowing that every aspect of co-parenting has been addressed and that your co-parenting relationship with your partner has been considered. At the end of the session, you will be emailed your Parenting Contract to sign. You can also get help and guidance on how to best use the amicable co-parenting app. This service is right for you if you have children and you are separating or have separated.", "included": [ "Up to 60-minutes of guidance and advice with a Co-parenting Specialist", "A Parenting Contract to document your agreement", "Takes place remotely through video conferencing or by telephone" ], "readmore": "/parenting-contract", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "13" }, "buttons": [{ "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_KhE7lcPWv2v2Au" }] }, "separation_write_up_with_parenting_contract": { "type": "page", "title": "Separation Agreement with Parenting Contract", "price": "£1320", "content": "This service is the right option for you if you have already agreed your financial arrangements and want to have these written up into a comprehensive Separation Agreement. You can add on the Parenting Contract when you sign up for the Separation Write-up Service, which will help you agree and document your childcare arrangements through a co-parenting coaching session. The parenting contract includes up to up to 60-minutes of advice and guidance from an experienced, friendly specialist and a Parenting Contract to document your children arrangements.", "included": [ "Online access to your own expert specialist by phone and email", "Support, updates and answers to queries as your agreement is prepared", "Access to amicable's online portal that allows you to upload your financial information, keep up to date with the progress of your case and contact your specialist", "Ability to send us your Memorandum of Understanding to draft from if no further disclosure is required", "Option to add on the Parenting Contract service once you have signed up", "Up to 60-minutes of guidance and advice with an amicable expert" ], "readmore": "/separation-agreement-write-up-service", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "14" }, "buttons": [{ "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_IKqVNomgEErRbD" }] }, "consent_order_with_parenting_contract": { "type": "page", "title": "Consent Order with Parenting Contract", "price": "£1320", "content": "This service is the right option for you if you have already agreed your financial arrangements and want to have these written up into a Consent Order. You can add on the Parenting Contract when you sign up for the Consent Order Service, which will help you agree and document your childcare arrangements through a co-parenting coaching session. The parenting contract includes up to up to 60-minutes of advice and guidance from an experienced, friendly specialist and a Parenting Contract to document your children arrangements.", "included": [ "A comprehensive legally binding consent order", "An expert to manage the process from start to finish", "All court correspondence handled by us", "No need to attend court", "Fixed price, you can spread the cost over three months and split with your partner", "Option to add on the Parenting Contract service once you have signed up", "Up to 60-minutes of guidance and advice with an amicable expert" ], "readmore": "/consent-order-service", "hubspotFormEmbed": { "region": "eu1", "portalId": "25966546", "formId": "d878848f-6690-4af9-9fee-1d2da8e36a65", "formInstanceId": "16" }, "buttons": [{ "label": "Get started", "service": "prod_DYStsRdnBvHjOf" }] } }

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Full Divorce


 inc VAT

If your relationship has come to an end, you’ll need to agree how to split your money, property, other assets and of course -if you have children - how you’ll co-parent. Amicable helps you focus on the future and agree arrangements for your unique circumstances. Unlike lawyers, who can only represent one of you, we’ll work with you both to ensure the best possible outcome. This service is the right option for you if you have either; almost come to a full agreement but have a single issue to agree; you want some help to understand if your agreement is fair; or, you have complex assets (more than one property orassets over £2m or a business to divide/discuss and want your agreement written up.

What's included?

  • Two hours of support; (2x 60 minute sessions with an expert Divorce Specialist, oradditional support at the drafting stage)*

* please note; we offer fixed fee packages and do not refund unused time or sessions