We are already separated and have split the house and agreed personal terms with a solicitors letter agreement that both parties were happy with. I paid my wife exactly what she wanted and she signed the house over to me and removed her name off everything. We agreed that she would divorce me once this was all done,although I don't agree with what she had put in the divorce papers I did see a ticked box to apply for a financial order and I don't understand what this means ?. I don't want to sign the papers without understand this first if I means she can try to claim more money or other things after we had already agreed on the split of the house and other assets. Could you please explain what this means.
Many thanks
Replies (1)
Hi Adrian, thanks for getting in touch. The 'financial order' tick box that you're referring to will not kick off anything - it just leaves the door open for you to get a financial order if you wish to in the future, please read this blog for more information. A financial order (or consent order) is the legal paperwork that ends your financial relationship and stops the potential for future claims, a divorce alone doesn't do this.