were can i get such a form as my husband of 10 years has committed adultery and i want a divorce, but as he is not down on the mortgage. he has said he would leave with nothing, so i want him to sign some thing to that respect. even though he has already left and moved in a place with her.
Replies (2)
Hi Sue, you will need to get a consent order finalised through the courts. This is the document that will end your financial relationship and end the possibility of any claims in the future. Please call us on 0203 004 4695 and we can talk you through the process in more detail.
Hi Sue, you will first have to start divorce proceedings. You will also have to get a consent order sealed by the courts as the divorce alone won't end your financial relationship or legalise any financial arrangements you have made. For more help, please book a call to speak to one of our Divorce Coaches.