I’m currently trying to finalise my divorce and I have one final stumbling block. I live in the family home with our 2 grown up children. I’m happy to sell the house and we have recently received an acceptable offer. The only issue is that I have spent a lot of money getting the house into a fit state to sell which my soon to be ex-wife said she would pay half towards to come out of her share of the sales proceeds. Unfortunately I didn’t get anything in writing but both of our children are aware of the agreement and will say so to anyone who will listen. The total amount was £40k of which she was due to pay £20k but she has argued agianst it and I have reduced the amount to £15k to try and get over her issues. She is now saying she will not pay anything towards it. I’ve told her that if she doesn’t agree I will refuse to accept the offer on the house and she will have to take legal action against us to get us out in an effort to get her to see sense but I’m not sure what my rights are legally on this. Any help or advice would be gratefully received as she has a solicitor who I am expecting to receive threats from at any minute
Replies (1)
It’s always better to get an agreement if you can and negotiate on what your wife will agree to pay. Even if you had your verbal agreement in writing it would not be legally binding and so you wouldn’t be in any better position than you are now. If your wife refuses to pay anything then you can pull out of the sale and ask the court to decide the issue and your finances more generally if you are divorcing. Asking the court to settle the issues can be expensive and indeed may end up costing you more than what you are arguing over. You could try our divorce coaching session (£160 for an hour to deal with a single issue) or if not mediation to help resolve this in a more cost effective way.