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How does divorce work?

25.03.2024 9:14:20


I'm very confused by the process. Especially when i need to sort out my finances, I've read that I need to start sorting this out with the ex immediately and also around half way through??

Replies (1)

Oscar from amicable
18.04.2024 9:51:20

Hi Penny,

Thank you for your question.

When it comes to finances and divorce, it can all be quite confusing.

The first thing to note is that it’s a good idea to have your financial information in order so that when it comes to the point you need to formalise this in a consent order, you have it with you. Especially if you’re looking to divide your pensions, as pension providers can take a while to send you your Cash Equivalent Transfer Values (CETVs), which you will need during the process.

The second point is that you can only apply for your consent order after you have received your conditional order. Timescale wise, this is roughly around the halfway point if you are applying for a financial consent order. You can find out more about the full divorce process here.

If you’re looking to get help with any aspect of the divorce or separation process, including finances and child arrangements, I would recommend booking a free 15-minute call with one of our Divorce and Consent Order specialists here.

Best wishes, Oscar from amicable


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