Financial support with our child with autism but is an adult

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Advice forum

10.12.2024 10:33:25


Our daughter is 21. She has autism and will need to live with me. My husband is making no plans to have a space for her in his new home. He is moving in with the person he had an affair with.
I will need to provide a home for her and possibly our other daughter who is 21 when she leaves uni. I have to sell the family home as I cannot afford to buy my husband out.
Am I entitled to ask for more of the sale of the home plus can I ask him to pay a monthly sum to our daughter? She is on pip and uc currently.

Replies (1)

Tatiana from amicable
11.12.2024 10:24:18

Hi Kara,

Thank you for getting in touch with amicable.

The normal starting point is a 50/50 split of all assets. However, many factors impact this, such as earning capacity, age and caring duties. You may also be entitled to spousal maintenance to help support your adult daughters.

Please book a free 15-minute consultation to get more information on the options available to you.

Best wishes, Tatiana


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