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Consent order after decree absolute

23.09.2019 11:28:53


We have started our divorce and are sorting out our finances but it's taking longer than we thought to agree on what we want to do. What's the cons of getting the consent order sorted after the decree absolute?

Replies (1)

25.09.2019 14:17:50

Hi Maurice,

Thank you for the message. Here are sone things you should be aware of if you're delaying sorting out your financial split until after you've had your Decree Absolute through.

  1. You lose pension rights if the other spouse dies before the consent order has been approved.

  2. It can affect any provision made between spouses in their will – a Decree Absolute has the same effect as if the other spouse has died so they lose right to anything left to them in their former spouses will.

  3. If the Petitioner hasn't told the court that you may want to apply for a consent order within the divorce process AND they remarry, there are only limited things that can be applied for financially in the future.

I hope this is helpful, feel free to call us or book a call if you need any further information.


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