Myself and husband agreed over a conversation that we would split the value of the house 50/50 as I want to relocate (have wanted to move for years but we couldn't agree together). He is going to buy me out and is nearly at the stage where he wants to take my name off the mortgage in order to remortgage in order for me to make an offer on a property elsewhere (this is becoming increasingly difficult to secure property - but that's another problem), what I need to get right in my head is full disclosure as I have been advised quite strongly that when a child is involved then full financial disclosure is best as I may be entitled to more than a 50/50 split. Im not trying to be greedy, I'm just wanting him to co-ooerate about his finances. We have already had a disagreement as he sold his car (I never drove it), but as an asset I disagreed with this. Also, its looking likely that what we previously agreed as a 50/50 split from the house is leaving me short to buy a house AND pay for all the legal stuff that goes with a house. What is the best way to get financial advise - I have suggested to him that we should upgrade to full service to have coaching sessions for the financial bit as it is upmost important but he doesn't seem to be taking it seriously - I think because he has a hold over me whereas the finances are concerned. TIA