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Case Budget
05.07.2018 8:02:30
What is the exact amount to comprise for a legal divorce? Is it accurately 50/50 division of assets in both parties?
Replies (1)
Hannah Hodgkinson
05.07.2018 8:02:30
Hi sadipeterson, thanks for your message. The law does not have a defined formula for dividing assets. To make fair agreements between you, you must think about what the courts in England & Wales take into consideration: income, earning capacity and property as well as financial needs, obligations and responsibilities. The starting pointing is a 50/50 split. But if one of you has a greater need, for example because you are housing the children or earn a lot less, then the split may differ. Does that answer your question? If not, feel free to a book a call with one of our coaches here.
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Replies (1)
Hi sadipeterson, thanks for your message. The law does not have a defined formula for dividing assets. To make fair agreements between you, you must think about what the courts in England & Wales take into consideration: income, earning capacity and property as well as financial needs, obligations and responsibilities. The starting pointing is a 50/50 split. But if one of you has a greater need, for example because you are housing the children or earn a lot less, then the split may differ. Does that answer your question? If not, feel free to a book a call with one of our coaches here.