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Apply for Financial Order if getting a Consent Order?

06.10.2019 15:51:37


Hi guys

I'm just in the process of getting my divorce underway buy filling out the application on the website, but am very confused.

As my soon-to-be ex-wife are amicable, I'm going to apply for a consent order to say that i keep what's mine, and she keeps what's hers.
On numerous sources, this is referred to as a "Financial Order".

On the Gov.UK website, under the section "Dividing your money and property", I have to choose whether I'd like to apply for a financial order. However, the way it's described, it sounds like this is only to be applied for if we DON'T agree on sharing assets...

"If you disagree with your wife about how your property, money, pensions and other assets will be split, then you can ask the court to decide for you. This includes maintenance payments.

These decisions are called 'financial orders'. You can apply for orders for yourself, and/or, if appropriate, for your children.

If you both agree on how to split your money and property and want to make it legally binding, you can apply for a 'consent order'."

Could someone please help with this, and advise on if i should be selecting this option?

Many thanks in advance!

Replies (1)

07.10.2019 9:53:03

Hi Paul, thanks for the email. The wording is confusing but based on your message it sounds like you need a consent order. A consent order is the legal document that protects the financial agreements that you've made, it's also the document that ends the possibility of claims against each other in the future. amicable offers a consent order write up service if you know how you're going to split things or a consent order with negotiation support if you need help deciding how you'll split things. A financial order is only appropriate if you can't decide between you and you need the courts to help. If you'd like some more help, book in for a free call with one of our experts here.


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