Selling a property in a divorce

Originally published on 25th September 2024 at 3:59 PM
Reading time: 4 mins
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Divorce can be an emotional rollercoaster, and selling a property can add another layer of complexity. However, with the right information and support, you can navigate this challenge successfully. This guide will provide you with a step-by-step approach to selling a property during a divorce, helping you make informed decisions and ensuring a smoother transition.

Understanding the process

Why sell the property?

In many divorces, selling the family home can be the best option for several reasons:

  • Financial practicality: Dividing the proceeds from selling the family home can be simpler than buying out one partner. This gives the financial ability to start afresh and establish clear financial boundaries.
  • Emotional closure: Letting go of a shared home can help both individuals move on, free from memories tied to the house.
  • Legal and financial simplicity: Selling simplifies the division of assets, helping reduce conflict and making things clearer for everyone.

What to consider first:

  • Agreement: Both you and your ex-partner must agree to sell the property. If there’s a disagreement, using amicable’s Negotiation Services can help you find common ground.
  • Valuation: Get a professional valuation to understand the market value of the home. This will help set realistic expectations for both sides.

Getting the house ready for sale

Checking the property’s condition

  • Repairs: Fixing small issues like leaks or repainting can make the house more attractive to potential buyers.
  • Curb appeal: Simple touches like tidying the garden or cleaning up the exterior can make a big difference in how the home is perceived.

Professional Valuation

  • Multiple Valuations: Get valuations from at least three estate agents to get an accurate market value. This helps you understand the property’s worth from different perspectives.
  • Sail Homes’ services: Sail Homes offers a comprehensive valuation service, ensuring compliance with legal standards and considering current market trends. This includes assessments from multiple agents, providing you with an accurate value and peace of mind.

Learn more about Sail Homes’ valuation services

Staging the property

  • Declutter: Remove personal items and excess furniture to make the space feel more inviting and spacious. This helps potential buyers envision themselves living in the home.
  • Professional staging: Consider hiring a professional to stage the home. Professional staging can highlight the property’s best features, making it more appealing to buyers.

Legal and Financial Steps


  • Early engagement: Start working with a conveyancer early to ensure all legal documents are in order. This can prevent delays and legal pitfalls.
  • Sail’s services: Sail can assist with all legal aspects of the sale, guiding you through every step.

Get conveyancing help from Sail

Drafting a sale agreement

  • Outline terms: The sale agreement should outline the terms of the sale, including the distribution of proceeds. This ensures clarity and prevents future disputes.
  • Legal assistance: amicable can help draft a separation agreement that outlines how the proceeds will be divided, ensuring a fair and clear outcome for both people.

Financing and mortgage considerations

Outstanding Mortgage: Be sure to know how much is left on your mortgage and any fees associated with early repayment. Getting this information from your lender will give you a clearer picture of your financial situation after the sale.

Marketing and selling the property

Choosing an estate agent

  • Research: Select an estate agent with experience in handling divorce-related sales. An experienced agent can ensure a smooth process.
  • Sail’s network: Sail can recommend reputable estate agents to ensure your property is marketed effectively and reaches the right audience quickly.

Setting the right price

  • Competitive pricing: Set a price based on the market valuations you have been given. Competitive pricing can attract potential buyers quickly.
  • Flexible negotiation: Be prepared to negotiate with buyers to achieve a fair price. Flexibility can facilitate a quicker sale.

Advertising and showings

  • Professional photos: To highlight the property’s best features, consider professional photography. High-quality photos can attract more interest online.
  • Open houses: Consider hosting open houses to attract multiple buyers at once. This can create a sense of urgency among potential buyers.
  • Virtual tours: Offer virtual tours to reach a wider audience, especially those who cannot attend in person.

Practical tips and advice

Tip one: communication

Keep communication with your ex-partner respectful and clear to avoid misunderstandings.

Tip two: mediation

If disagreements arise, mediation can help keep things amicable and fair.

Tip three: managing expectations

Understand that selling a home takes time. Preparing for possible delays can reduce stress.

Tip four: seek support for the emotional journey

Lean on friends, family, or professional counsellors for emotional support. Selling a property during a divorce can be emotionally taxing, and having a support system can help.

Tip five: explore amicable’s resources

amicable offers resources to help you navigate the emotional aspects of selling a property during a divorce.

After the sales

  • Distributing Proceeds: Make sure the proceeds are divided fairly according to your agreement.
  • Planning for the Future: Consider consulting a financial advisor to help you manage your share of the proceeds wisely.
  • Updating Legal Documents: Don’t forget to update important documents like your will to reflect your new financial situation.

Selling a home during a divorce can be complex, but with the right preparation and support, you can navigate the process with confidence. If you need help or guidance, amicable and Sail Homes are here to assist. For separation and divorce support, book a free 15-minute consultation here.

If you need a quote for conveyancing, get one now from Sail at a discounted fee for amicable customers.

Get a quote from Sail

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