Explore our children & pets services

You can agree arrangements for your children and pets amicably without going through the court, unless there are safeguarding issues. Decide between yourselves or get specialist help from amicable.

Separating with children

If you and your ex-partner have separated, you don’t need to go through the court to make arrangements for your children.

Whether you're newly separated or have been apart for a while, our Separating with Children Service supports your parenting journey.

Tools and resources

The Divorce Podcast


Parenting plan e-book


How do we agree on arrangements for our children?

You can reach an agreement informally yourselves or with support from a professional such as amicable or mediation. Any arrangements you agree on can be documented in a Parenting Plan. You do not need to go to court to get your parenting arrangements made legally binding or decided for you unless there are safeguarding issues such as abuse or one parent stopping the other from seeing the children.

How do we tell our children we're getting divorced?

Telling your child you're getting divorced will be daunting for most parents. We have a helpful blog with our tips to help you navigate telling your child about your separation which you can read here. We also offer a Separating with Children Service, where you can schedule a session specifically on how to tell your children about your separation. Learn more here.

What happens to pets when you separate?

If you separate from your ex-partner and share a pet, you must decide how to continue caring for them. amicable offers a Separating with Pets Service to help you reach an agreement. This includes advice on different arrangements, such as one person caring for the pet or both people sharing the care through a ‘co-petting’ arrangement. This can be documented in a 'Co-petting Agreement’ or formally in a Separation Agreement.