How to get a consent order online

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Ending your marriage or civil partnership is one legal process and ending your financial ties is a completely different legal process. The process of severing your financial ties is called a consent order or financial order. This blog will explain how to get a consent order online.

A consent order does two things:

  • Legalises the financial arrangements that you’ve made
  • Ends the possibility of claims against each other in the future

There are two different types of consent order (or financial order):

A consent order

If you need to detail any arrangements or transfers then a full consent order is the best option. This includes things like child maintenance, transfer of property, lump sum transfers and pension sharing.

A clean break consent order

If you have already split your finances or have no finances to split then a clean break consent order will be sufficient. A clean break consent order will end your financial relationship and stop the possibility of claims in the future.

How to get a consent order online

If you are amicable and there are no danger signs like hiding assets etc then we offer the below divorce-diagnostic:

If you have any questions or would like some support, please book a free 15-minute consultation with one of our experts here.

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05.07.2020 17:57

Wish to do a financial order just to cover house

20.07.2020 15:49

What is a cost order and financial order

23.07.2020 10:25

After signing a consent order issues cropp up which should have been cleared at the signing.Can I now cancell this consent order?Please advise

01.09.2021 13:34

Hi , we have filed for the divorce online. We just want to do the financial consent order . We both agreed what we want and we both took legal advise individually

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Holly from amicable
03.09.2021 12:10

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