Divorce Day 2022 - January 4th or April 6th?

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You may have come across the term Divorce Day when scrolling through the internet in January before. Divorce Day traditionally falls on the first working day of January and is a popular point of discussion in the media.

Interestingly, this year there is much debate around whether the 6th April 2022 should in fact be Divorce Day, as this is when no-fault divorce is scheduled to be implemented. We've written a blog on what Divorce Day is and what makes it potentially different this year.

What is ‘Divorce Day’?

Divorce Day is typically meant to be the day that there is a spike in enquiries around divorce and people initiating their divorce, and falls on the first working day of January (usually a Monday). There are two main reasons why Divorce Day may be different this year, which we have highlighted below.

Why is there a Divorce Day?

There may be several reasons why there is a spike in divorce enquiries on the first working day in January. We’ve provided a couple of examples below:

  • The festive period - we often hear lots of customers who decide to have a final Christmas together before divorcing or separating.
  • New Year’s resolution mentality - many people view the start of the year as a chance to instigate new beginnings.
  • Finances - the festive period can be very expensive and may contribute to arguments or worries over money.

Does Divorce Day actually exist?

The previous data we have analysed has demonstrated that rather than there being one set day where divorce enquiries spike, this spike spans over most of January and into February.

Why could Divorce Day be different this year?

National bank holiday...

This year there was a substitute bank holiday for New Year's Day which fell on a Saturday this year, therefore the first working day of the year was on a Tuesday rather than a Monday.

No-fault divorce...

No-fault divorce is scheduled to be implemented on the 6th of April 2022. There will likely be a spike in divorce enquiries on this day.

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What will happen when no-fault divorce is introduced?

  • The facts to support the breakdown of a marriage will be removed, ending the blame game.
  • Couples can apply for divorce alone or together.
  • If an individual files for divorce, the respondent will have 14 days to respond to the application.
  • Legal jargon will be reduced and the terminology will change.
  • There will be a six-month minimum notification period after submitting the application.
  • This will mean that divorces take a minimum of around 30 weeks to be finalised.

How will it affect the current reasons for divorce?

There are five facts that support your marriage has broken down irretrievably. These are:

You will no longer be able to use the above facts on the divorce application. If for example, you are waiting to use two years separation, this will no longer be possible as of the 6th of April 2022.

If you would like to know more about the upcoming changes, and how they may affect your personal situation we'd be more than happy to speak with you.

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