West Midlands Divorce Unit Closure

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On the 28th of June 2019, the HMTCS announced that West Midlands Divorce Unit is closing. If you've started your divorce, dissolution or consent order here or were about to then here's what you need to know.

  1. All current divorce and dissolutions that were submitted at the West Midlands Divorce Unit will now be processed at one of the remaining ten divorce units across England and Wales.
  2. It may prolong how long your divorce/dissolution will take. Processing times for divorcing and separating couples were already increasing because the courts were understaffed therefore it's likely this closure will lead to further delays.
  3. You can get an update on your case by calling the main court switchboard on 0300 303 0642. It will speed up the process if you're able to give the court your case number which will be on any of the official documents sent to you by the court.

Next steps

If you were going to start divorce proceedings using the West Midlands Divorce Unit, here's what to do next:

Decide if you're going to do the divorce paperwork yourself or get it managed by amicable. If you're managing it yourself you can start proceedings online. If you'd rather an expert manage the process for you, they should be able to advise how long the process will take at the time you'd like to submit.

For more help on your options, please book a free 15-minute advice call with an amicable expert.

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