amicable is a service for divorcing and separating couples. Our Negotiation Services are designed to help you collaborate with your partner to reach an amicable financial agreement. You both need to agree on using amicable to sign up.
The service only works if the two of you can work together. You must be on speaking terms, be able to maintain positive eye contact with each other, stay emotionally controlled (most of the time!) and be prepared to be flexible (It’s no good coming to the sessions with only one option – your preferred option).
Your Negotiation Specialist will help facilitate agreements between you. Negotiation sessions are all virtual, so you can choose whether you want to be in the same room as your partner when you have your negotiation sessions or whether you want to join the video call from separate locations.
Like any collaborative process, the service only works when both people are willing to engage and behave in accordance with certain ground rules. For example:
We expect you to:
Keep focused on the future, fairness and the interests of your children
Be open, honest, and exchange all the information required to make our agreements in order not to lie by omission
Only enter a dialogue when you are calm and don't respond in anger
Respond to your partner in a timely manner
Act and respond in good faith, and with integrity and transparency to ensure that a future relationship can be built on trust
Be polite and respectful at all times – don't swear or name-call
Be patient if your partner doesn't respond as quickly as you would like and ask questions to understand their perspective
Use the process in a constructive way
Conflict is perfectly natural in times of emotional upheaval and amicable is an aspiration rather than a starting point for many couples. However, it's important to understand the difference between safe and unsafe conflict.
The following indicators are signs that it may not be safe to use our service, and alternative practitioners, such as counselling support services, a lawyer, or a specialist domestic abuse counsellor, may be required.
Are you afraid of your partner?
Does your partner exhibit any of the following behaviours: jealousy, possessiveness, insults, verbal abuse, physical abuse, constant criticism and blame, or damage to any of your belongings?
Do you feel isolated, or cut off from family and friends?
Do you change your behaviour to avoid triggering an attack?
Is (s)he charming one minute and abusive the next? Like Dr Jekyll / Mr Hyde?
Are you unsure of your own judgement?
Does your partner control your money?
Does your partner drive fast because (s)he knows it scares you?
Does (s)he say you are useless and couldn’t cope without him/her?
Does your partner lock you out of the house during an argument?
Has (s)he threatened to hurt you or people close to you?
If you think you may be experiencing abuse, please call the National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0800 2000 247 or go online at or to find out how to stay safe.