The amicable co-parenting app

The amicable co-parenting app helps you manage all aspects of co-parenting in one secure place, making parenting after divorce and separation simpler.

Explore the app's features by starting your 30-day free trial today.

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The app built by co-parents, for co-parents

Supporting your transition from parent to co-parent

Co-parenting schedules

Stay organised with amicable's custom schedules, keep track of school holidays, drop-offs and pick-ups and overnights.

Communication needs

Features designed to facilitate open and effective communication between you and your co-parent.

Co-parenting tools

Beautifully designed tools, to help with the transition from parent to co-parent as well as managing day-to-day life thereafter.

The amicable co-parenting app includes tools and advice designed to make co-parenting simpler, more organised and better for your children.

Co-parenting app - calendarCo-parenting app - welcome screen

Shared co-parenting calendar

Keep track of individual and shared events including school drop-offs and pickups, dental and medical appointments and school holiday activities.


Co-parenting goals

Set private goals and share goals with your ex-partner to keep you both focussed on the future and able to manage each other’s co-parenting expectations. Use pre-filled suggestions on the most common parenting topics or create your own bespoke goals unique to your family set-up.


Secure private messaging

Secure inbuilt messaging function to communicate with your co-parent on all aspects of parenting. Includes pre-defined chat topics as helpful prompts from other co-parents or create your own. Keep track of the conversations with your ex-partner. Unlike most messaging tools, messages are time-stamped and can’t be deleted.

We know co-parenting isn’t easy. But we also know you want to minimise the impact of your separation on your children, and you want them to thrive. Start your 30-day free trial today.

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What is amicable?

We’re an online legal service for divorcing and separating couples. Our specialists help couples get divorced, reach an agreement over their finances and agree on arrangements for their children, without needing to use solicitors.

How is amicable different to solicitors and mediation?

We’re different to solicitors because we work with couples together. We also offer fixed and transparent fees that include VAT and enable couples to spread their payments over several months with our flexible payment plans. We’re more comprehensive than mediation because we also prepare couples' legal documents and manage the court process. Our specialists are trained in helping couples navigate the legal and emotional journey of divorce and separation.

What is the divorce process and how long does it take?

Divorces take a minimum of 7 months to be completed due to the mandatory reflection periods. There are several stages to the divorce process and you can start your divorce yourself through, or we have services where this is included. Read more about the divorce process reflection periods. There are several stages to the divorce process and you can start your divorce yourself through here.

How much does it cost to get divorced?

If you start your divorce yourself through, you will need to pay the government court fee, which is £593. Use our court fees calculator to explore whether you might be eligible for a discount on the court fees. We offer services which include help with the divorce process and getting your financial arrangements made legally binding.

How do I sort out my money and property?

If you and your ex-partner are able to reach an agreement over how to divide any money, property, pensions and debt you can have this documented and made legally binding in a consent order. We help couples reach an agreement and we can prepare consent orders and manage the court process.

I’ve already started my divorce, can you still help?

If you’ve already started your divorce through the government website, we can help you agree on your financial arrangements and prepare your consent order which outlines this to the court and is made legally binding once approved by a judge.

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