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Divorce 70 30 Asset Split

23.10.2020 9:03:02


My husband and I are separating and we're starting to discuss how we'll separate our finances - I've been told by a friend who's just gone through a divorce that I can go for a 70 30 split of everything in our marital pot.

I've spent ten years bringing up the kids so haven't worked until recently and I've only got back a couple of days a week. The house is worth around half a million and our three kids want to stay in the house with me. I think he has a big pension, I have hardly anything in my pension. We have some savings, a couple of cars and some valuables such as art etc.

I don't want to fall out with him and want to do this amicably without getting solicitors involved - just not sure where to go from here???

Replies (3)

29.10.2020 12:58:10

Hi Alice - thank you for the message.

The best starting point is to gather top line figures in regards to what you both have in assets and debts. You need to know what you've got before you start discussing how you'll divide it.

In terms of percentage split when separating your finances - the starting point is 50/50. There are many considerations that a judge will take into account including:

  • How old you and your partner are
  • You earning ability
  • Money and property (family home)
  • Living expenses and the standard of living you both have
  • Assets and debts
  • Business assets
  • The role you held within the marriage

For more information on this please click here to read our blog on financial settlements.

There are different ways to sort out how you'll split things including doing it yourselves, getting lawyers and mediators involved or opting for the amicable route in which you work together with one of our coaches to decide on a fair split. We can also legalise your agreement via a consent order. For more information please feel free to book in for a free 15 minute advice call.

18.02.2022 3:05:30

I'm in the process of divorce due to my wife hooking up with a Deputy Sheriff officer and wanting him more than me. We have two kids that are in their early teens. We have a nice house and each have our own vehicles. Her parents reinvested an inheritance and bought a house for her. She has since moved out of our house and into the one her parents bought. Our relationships fell apart when I came down with Leukemia and had a stem cell transplant (I had a 10% chance of survival). It beat me up pretty bad and she didn't want to deal with it. When she left I was struggling to stay alive, keep my job, and do what I could for the family. We went to canceling where/when she told me 15 minutes into the first session that she was done. Now, since I'm not good enough for her I'm not good enough for my kids either. We agreed on 50/50 but it's not working out that way. I can't work any longer and she's back making a RN's wage. She's wants 50% of everything and I'm okay with that except my retirement funds. She was married before and has her own funds about 30% of mine. I'm asking to keep mine and she keeps hers and I won't ask for spousal support. She won't have that at all. I need to additional monies for house payments and medical. Shouldn't that be acceptable or would the 70/30?

Gillian B
25.06.2022 17:18:03

My husband has inherited £200,000 of assets am I entitled to any now I’m divorced he inherited this when married


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